Rendering of Temple Sinai Lighting Design

Temple Sinai

Temple Sinai, founded in 1870, is oldest Reform congregation in Louisiana. In 1928, the congregation built a new temple at its current site on St. Charles Ave. with a sanctuary capable of seating over 1,000 people. As the mechanical and electrical systems aged, it became apparent that renovations were necessary, and Temple Sinai contracted with Moses Engineers to assess current mechanical and electrical systems. The assessment led to the design of a new lighting system for their main sanctuary. 

Moses Engineers provided the lighting design services including renderings, design drawings and renovations of the synagogue ceilings. The new LED lighting system uses a scene controller that coordinates all lighting for the various purposes including day or night religious services, weddings, concerts, speakers, funerals or classes. Design included ceiling insulation for energy conservation and ceiling restoration services provided by Sizeler Architects. Moses Engineers applied for the Energy Smart program rebating significant funds for Temple Sinai.

Rendering of Temple Sinai Lighting Design Completed Temple Sinai Lighting Project
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